I don't know who put the sign up that says "we take in sweet homeless kitties" but I can't find that sign and I have a new tenant. Please meet Miss Cindy Lou-Who. She showed up around January as a little "neighborhood" kitty. We tried to find out who she belonged to because we noticed she had taken up residence under our storage building. No one claimed her. We fed her and just let her be until we discovered she might be a Mama Kitty. I don't know nothing about birthing no kitties! (I know how Prissy felt now!!). The vet took care of getting her fixed and she is now part of the family - outdoors only! She still sleeps under the storage building and comes around every afternoon for a little loving and some dinner. She's a sweet kitty and if I can find her a good, safe home, I'll lovingly adopt her out. Until then, she's well taken care of and no longer "homeless". Now, to just find that sign......
1 day ago
Awe, Miss Cindy is so sweet! And your sweet to take her in! :)
What a sweet face! Such a lucky kitty to have you to take care of her, Yvonne. I wish I could take her but I don't live close...but I'm guessing my 2 old boys wouldn't appreciate a new kitty in the house, either! LOL
what a sweetie. I think there is a sign around here as well. seems every couple of years I get adopted by a stray cat.
Oh she is adorable. You need to add her to the family.
She is SO darling - are you secretly hoping no one will adopt her? I think I would be... What is it that families used to leave on the fence post to let hobos or drifters know they were willing to share food? A handkerchief or sock or something... anyway, they get the message of your generous heart!
What a doll baby she is :)
A sweetie and looks like she's yours!
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