Saturday, Chris and I treated ourselves to the movies and saw "The Help". I had heard rave reviews on the book, even though I never read it. I don't know about the book but the movie was great! I laughed (and cried) and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Chris enjoyed the movie too but did comment that there was not nearly enough testosterone in the room! LOL! If you get a chance, go see it! I promise, you will never look at chocolate pie the same way again - LOL!
To my cross stitch friends, I have some sad news.....I won't be attending the Pals Convention this year. Our son is a senior in high school this year and has announced his desire to attend the University of Alabama/Birmingham instead of our home town university. After reviewing the course study (Forensic Chemistry), it is the right choice. So, that means I'll be writing a lot more checks than originally anticipated. It was a hard decision to make but one that I had to do. I know you, that are attending, will have a great time! I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back so make sure you update your blogs quickly!
Until next time......
Oh Yvonne!! I'm so bummed! I was really looking forward to seeing you and spending some time with you. Who's going to bring me Puffcorn?? You will definitely be missed, but I understand! Kids are definitely expensive! Good luck to your ds!!
I can't wait to see The Help. I listened to the book awhile ago and loved it!!
I see a girls day out coming to go see the Help. :) and so totally bummed you aren't coming to PALS but we will see each other not too long after that! I totally understand the "senior" thing as we have Dustin and Josh as seniors this year
Boo hiss~~ I wanted to see you in a couple months!! But, I fully understand as I am in the throws of writing addtional checks for my college bound son also!! Yikkkkeees~ There goes the stash account....Will miss you at PALS though...Will have to Skype you in!
So sorry to hear you won't be there! We will definitely miss you... and now I must go look up "forensic chemistry". :) That sounds interesting...
Thanks for the critique. I've heard it's very good. If you feel like more tears, see Planet of the Apes.
Sorry to hear you won't be stitching at the beach, and your PALS will sure miss you there, but understand that the budget is only so flexible! Just keep stitching and posting yourself!
Sorry that you won't be at the beach. Will look out for this movie when it hits the UK.
well those damm kids and spending all your money! lol .. I'm miss you lots! Was really looking forward to seeing you :(
Forensic Chemistry... wow! Interesting choice. My daughter has mentioned an interest in the same sort of thing but I think is leaning towards investment banking. Banks and death--I think they are remarkably similar nowadays! Sorry to hear that you're going to miss out on the PALS convention!
I can't wait to see The Help. It was one of my all time favorite books.
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