We all truly understand that the economy is pretty bad at the moment. Businesses are cutting back on their spending and are doing what is necessary to keep the financial records in check. I agree with doing what needs to be done but really.......does giving me more than one packet of ketchup for a super size fry the answer?!!! Even when you ask for "extra ketchup" you only get another packet. It's a little crazy, in my opinion. So, I am now being very specific with my order. I want a super size fry with eight packets of ketchup! I really don't think that my extra ketchup packets are going to cause hamburger joints to go out of business. Now, to make the story even more crazy.....I go to the same hamburger joint drive thru every Friday morning for hotcakes. A little treat - I deserve it. Anywho, guess how many TUBS of syrup I get? TWO!! That's enough syrup to put me in sugar overdrive! I don't even need 1/2 of one tub! And surely, it cost more to manufacture TUBS of syrup vs. PACKETS of ketchup. It just has to!

Just a little something to ponder on the next time you are in that favorite fast food drive thru.....
Happy Friday!
Yvonne tell us how you really feel. LOL I totally understand where you are coming from on this.
Yvonne, I agree my biggest complaint is all of the ice you get in a drink when you order a drink to go. If you are really thirsty you better hope the ice melts quick...
ROTFLOL You go, GF. You are absolutely right.
I worked at a fast food joint one summer when in college. After running out of catsup before the next round of supplies arrived, new rule was NO catsup unless requested. When I want catsup, I tell them 3 or 4 packs, and I order drinks either no ice or light ice. They are all stingy. LOL
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