Long Time, No See! I know, you probably have wondered if I was gone forever. No, I'm here. It's just not easy getting this blog updated with everything else life throws in the mix.....the new year started off great. Had a little snow and then a little more and then I got a terrible stomach virus that landed me in ICU and the hospital for two days. I am finally feeling like myself again and getting back into a routine. And, that routine has to include some stitching......
Paradise Lost by Plum Street Samplers is not finished and I have to get it finished and on the wall soon. I finally got beyond "those" leaves and stitching it has become a little more enjoyable now. I noticed that my friend Nicole has finished hers and that is inspiring me to keep at it!
Here are some updated photos taken a little over a week ago.....(excuse the wrinkles -too busy stitching to iron - tee hee)

and this photo shows some of my progress since the photos pictured above. I'm working on this big tree (with leaves!).....
My goal is to have this piece completely finished by the end of the month. I don't think I will do it but that's ok.....soon, very soon!
Thanks for visiting. Hope to see you again soon - and that means sooner than a couple of months - LOL!
There you are woman!!!! Yvonka dear, taking a near 3 month leave of abscense has scared the bejessies out of all of us!!!! hahahaha... Glad you are back and sorry you had the crud!!! Bing that complete Paradise Lost on March 12th!! I want to see it!! Happy to have you back!! Faye
OMG...I can't believe you were so sick! So glad you are feeling better. Been wondering where you were!!!!
Good luck with Paradise...it is looking good! Hope to see you at the Stitch-in....
now...back to stitching!
Glad you are feeling better and back to stitching. I thought your absence was due to the fact that you were frozen underneath blocks of ice like a neanderthal.
Your design is gorgeous. Keep on stitchin'.
Oooo such lovely stitching!
Happy V Day!
So sorry to hear that you were so sick. That crud seems to be a horrible one. Glad you are through with it. You stitching is coming along quite nicely - great job.
Great work Yvonne.
This is just such a great piece - looking great!
I'm so sorry you were so sick Yvonne. I'm glad you are feeling better. Paradise Lost is looking great! You'll be done in no time! :)
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