The 4th of July is just around the corner and I'm so glad. I'm ready to kick back with some Bar-B-Q, my stitching, my scrapbooking and who knows what else! I'm just ready to enjoy the time off from work.
Here's an update on Thomas. He now has a couple of tail feathers so at least he's not going to topple over. He's also standing on solid ground and that's always a plus! LOL! I don't have much more to do so I may actually get him finished over the holiday weekend.

I am also reading Janet Evanovich's newest release in the Stephanie Plum series, Finger Lickin Fifteen. I got really lucky this time and was the first person on the "sign-up" sheet at the library. That has never happened before!! The book, so far, is good. A little predictable but that's what makes these books so enjoyable. I have to say, Chapter 13 is my favorite thus far. I always find myself laughing out loud whenever the characters are gathered together at Stephanie's parents home for dinner.
This past Saturday was my one year anniversary in blogville. I never would have thought I would still be here posting and sharing photos a year later. I don't have many followers but I enjoy documenting details and keeping this record for reference. It makes me happy and that's all that counts!
If I don't post again before the holiday, I wish everyone a wonderful 4th of July. Reflect on your freedoms that we all take for granted and remember our troops. Most of all, God bless America!