I'm a little behind the times with a post but I wanted to share my day from a couple of weekends ago. I traveled up the road a bit and visited some great stitching friends (and blog buddies) at The French Hen in Manning, SC. We had a great time stitching, laughing and enjoying a great lunch of homemade sandwiches and desserts (love that praline cake - yummy).
Here's some photos of some of us stitching away!:
These are my "table buddies" (L to R around the table) - Judy (in the bright pink), Donna, Karen, Amy, June, Susan and Carrie (in the blue):
Here's Nicole, Linda and Faye:
Here's Deborah and Carolyn:
Here's Donna, Myra and Lynn:
Thanks again for visiting my little place in the blog world. I hope to post some photos soon of some stitch finishes. I've been busy stitching away for the Pals Convention later this year so those will have to stay a secret for now. Chat soon!